Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics
About The Company
Opened in 2011, PIA’s Hagerstown Branch Campus is Recognized as a “School of Excellence” in 2019 by ACCSC. The campus is Maryland’s exclusive FAA certified Airframe & Powerplant training provider. Working in conjunction with the Hagerstown Airport Authority and by request of the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board, PIA instituted the aviation maintenance technician school to help serve the workforce needs of both Maryland and the rest of the nation.
The facility features modern classrooms, a learning resource system with a mobile computer lab and publications library, and specialized shop areas designed to offer the optimal training environment for the instruction of aircraft propulsion systems, electricity, sheet metal, hydraulics, instruments & controls, composite materials, non-destructive testing, painting and more.
The campus is located along the Hagerstown Regional Airport just south of the Mason Dixon line between Maryland and Pennsylvania.